Studies show that many of us begin researching vacation rental home or condo options on average three to six months prior to the desired stay — and take upwards of 36 days to make a decision. That’s a lot of researching!
It doesn’t help, however, when you identify the type of rental that’s ideal for your needs, only to call the rental company and find out that the representative on the phone or online chatting with you is simply a reservation taker, without any in-depth knowledge of specific properties that would best accommodate you and your family.
When you contact us and tell us what you’re looking for, you’ll get expert recommendations that are spot on and won’t waste your time.
At Sanibel Captiva Island Vacation Rentals, we’ve built our company — and our outstanding customer service and satisfaction — on an entirely different and better idea. Instead of reservation machines who only know a property by what they see on a features and benefits sheet, we’ve created a team of Personal Vacation Concierges who are assigned to a specific portfolio of properties that he or she knows, inside and out.
And that’s inside and out, literally. Our Personal Vacation Concierges invest time and effort to tour each property under their watch, regularly visit these properties for quality assurance and work with our Owner Concierges (and owners) to make the rental home or condo the very best it can be, including suggestions on enhancing your vacation experience.
So when you contact us and tell us what you’re looking for, you’ll get expert recommendations that are spot on and won’t waste your time — meaning less searching and more counting down the days until you put your toes in our wonderful, pristine Sanibel and Captiva Islands sand.
How can we help you? Visit us at or call us at 877.388.5050.